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Toddlers and Preschoolers – Health and Well-being

Mental Health

Mental wellness is as important to overall well-being as physical health, social and emotional connectedness, and intellectual accomplishment. Many moms experience symptoms of depression after giving birth, commonly called postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression can begin just after birth and may last up to fourteen months or longer after giving birth. Some symptoms of postpartum depression include anxiety, worry, sleeping problems, difficulty caring for your child, changes in your eating habits and feelings of sadness or hopelessness. Many women do not talk about how they are feeling because they may be embarrassed, ashamed or might think these symptoms are a normal part of mothering.

If you suspect that you may have a mental health concern, there are a number of Manitoban resources in place to help. It is a good idea to contact your health care provider or a professional immediately. With the right supports, most women recover fully from postpartum depression.

General Information

The Sandwich Generation

Balancing home and work, particularly when young children and a full-time job are in the picture, can be challenging for the best of us. It is easy to see why: eight hours at the office, plus commuting, arranging children's activities, helping with homework, preparing meals, doing household chores and planning for family time makes balance seem more like an elusive goal than a firm reality. For some, the task becomes even more difficult when they must not only provide care to their dependent children but also to aging relatives. These people are often referred to as "the sandwich generation". You may read more on this topic by clicking on the following links:

Postpartum Supports

Stress and the Holiday Season