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Manitoba Accessibility Fund

The Manitoba Accessibility Fund (MAF) provides one-time grants to help Manitoba organizations and businesses remove barriers, create awareness and support compliance with The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) and its standards.

The MAF program targets the following three accessibility standards:

  • Customer Service (2015) with the aim to prevent and remove barriers to accessing goods or services
  • Employment (2019), which requires barrier-free practices related to employee recruitment, hiring and retention
  • Information and Communication (2022) - which sets requirements for removing barriers to information and communications electronically, in print and in person

Applications must support The Accessibility for Manitobans Act and the standards listed above by addressing at least one of three MAF objectives.

  • Raise awareness about the prevention and removal of barriers.
  • Develop tools, resources and training to support compliance with AMA standards.
  • Remove barriers to information and communications electronically, in print and in person.

Who can apply?

Eligible applicants include:

  • non-profit organizations
    • registered charities
    • non-profit organizations incorporated and registered with the Companies Office
    • non-profit organizations that have a bank account and can verify activity for at least one year
  • local businesses or local corporations based in Manitoba providing services to Manitobans that are registered with the Companies Office
  • municipalities and local authorities, such as planning districts and Northern Affairs Community Councils
  • on-reserve organizations or businesses
  • universities, colleges and school divisions

When are the application deadlines?

Please visit Manitoba Accessibility Fund for deadline information.

What do we fund?

Eligible activities include, but are not limited to:

  • projects, programs and events that help raise awareness about barriers faced by Manitobans with disabilities and how to prevent and remove these barriers, guided by the AMA’s principles and standards
  • tools, resources and training events or webinars to support compliance with AMA standards affecting customer service, employment and information and communications
  • activities to integrate the requirements of these AMA standards into the policies, processes and initiatives of an organizational sector, professional association, geographic region or demographic group
  • tools and technology to remove barriers to information and communications, with digital enhancements consistent with the Worldwide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 Level AA or above

Ineligible activities that are not eligible for the fund include:

  • projects, programs or services outside of Manitoba
  • *retrofits and renovations affecting buildings, as specified in the Manitoba Building Code - MAF does not fund any capital projects at present
  • on-going operational costs or programs
  • core or essential municipal, provincial, federal projects or programs and services that are the responsibility of the municipal, provincial or federal body
  • projects linked to the delivery of core education, health and social services
  • programs already in receipt of, or being delivered through provincial or federal funding
  • private residential
  • wage subsidies, placement programs or employee assistance programs

How much we fund?

MAF will fund proposed projects up to a maximum of $50,000, including up to 10 per cent for administration.

Funding that is approved for grant recipients may be less than the amount requested. Applicants are encouraged to seek additional funding from other sources.

Applicants can submit only one application per intake, but can be listed as partners in multiple projects.


Department Name: Department of Families
Division/Branch name: Manitoba Accessibility Office

Website: https://accessibilitymb.ca/
Email: MAF@gov.mb.ca
Telephone: 204-945-7613

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The Building Sustainable Communities (BSC) program is no longer available.

Please visit From the Ground Up - Safe Healthy Communities for ALL Program for information on community development grants.

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Climate Action Fund

The Climate Action Fund supports projects with up to $150,000 in grant funding to help businesses, communities and non-profit organizations address the challenges of climate change while helping to build a low-carbon economy and making life more affordable for Manitobans.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be one of the following:

  • Incorporated non-profit organization
  • Academic or educational institution
  • Manitoba Municipality
  • Northern Affairs Community
  • Indigenous community or organization
  • Businesses, including Social Enterprise Businesses*
    (*Business must be registered with the Province of Manitoba).

When is the application deadline?

Monday January 20th, 2025, 12:00 pm Noon Central Standard Time.

What do we fund?

Projects that support at least one of the following priorities:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Manitoba
  • Supporting enhanced resiliency to the impacts from a changing climate
  • Increasing affordable and clean energy technologies in Manitoba.

Municipalities, Norther Affairs Communities, Indigenous communities, and the operators of multi-unit residential buildings may be eligible for funding to support the installation of electric vehicle chargers. As well, a business, not-for profit organization, or other organization that partners with a municipality, Northern Affairs Community or Indigenous community for the purpose of the prospective project may also apply. Please see the guide for more details.

How much do we fund?
  • Up to $150,000 for eligible project costs.
  • Projects that include the installation of electric vehicle chargers may be eligible up to 50% of total project costs, up to a maximum of $100,000 per charger. Funding amounts depend on the type of charger installed. See the program guide for more detailed information.
  • Municipalities, Northern Affairs Communities and Indigenous communities may be eligible for a maximum of $15,000 for the development of a climate action plan, climate resiliency or adaptation plan, or a climate risk and vulnerability risk assessment.

Before You Apply:

Visit Manitoba Grants Online at www.gov.mb.ca/grants.

Fully review the Climate Action Fund Guide for full information.

To apply, complete the online application form https://forms.gov.mb.ca/caf/

Application deadline is 12:00 pm Noon January 20th, 2025, Central Standard Time

Contact Us

Climate Action and Energy Innovation Division
Manitoba Environment and Climate Change
In Winnipeg: 204-945-7246
Toll free in Manitoba: 1-866-444-4207
Email: ccinfo@gov.mb.ca

Or Manitoba Government Inquiry toll free in North America: 1-866-626-4862

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Ethnocultural Community Support Program

The Ethnocultural Community Support grant helps community organizations preserve, enhance, promote and share Manitoba’s rich and diverse cultural history and encourage the development of partnerships between cultural communities to foster inter-cultural understanding, harmony and equality.

When are the application deadlines?

The application deadline is March 31, annually.

What do we fund?

ECSP will give priority to programs, activities or projects that contain one or more of the following components: anti-racism, multiculturalism, or multigenerational engagement.


Consult the full program guidelines.

Apply button


Sport, Culture, Heritage and Tourism
Multiculturalism Secretariat
Telephone: 204-945-5632
Email: strategic.policy@gov.mb.ca
Website: https://www.gov.mb.ca/chc/multiculturalism/ecsp.html

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Fire Protection Grant


Program is no longer available - Successful Applicants


Fish Enhancement Initiatives

The Fish Enhancement Initiatives grant helps applicants complete projects, programs and studies that enhance sustainable use and management of legally harvestable fish populations within Manitoba.

Who can apply?

  • Local, provincial, or national not-for-profit groups with established Manitoba operations
  • Academic institutions including universities, colleges, and schools
  • Community groups

When is the application deadline?

Intake deadline for letters of interest is September 1.

What do we fund?

Eligible projects include activities that:

  • conserve, restore or enhance fish populations
  • conserve, restore or enhance important fish habitats
  • monitor or study fish populations or habitats
  • provide education programs for new or existing anglers
  • improve access to fisheries by licensed anglers
  • secure land to conserve habitats that are deemed to be critically important to fish populations


Consult the full program guidelines.


Manitoba Habitat Conservancy administers the Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund grant application program on behalf of the Manitoba government.

Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund
Manitoba Habitat Conservancy
Email: granting@mbhabitat.ca
Website: https://mbhabitat.ca/fwef/fwef-resources/

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From the Ground Up - Safe Healthy Communities for ALL Program

The From the Ground Up - Safe Healthy Communities for ALL Program supports the province's commitment to build safe, healthy communities where individuals, children, youth and families can thrive.

The new program provides application-based project funding to support a broad range of community renewal efforts, community capital projects and children and youth initiatives. It will focus on community led response and revitalization efforts including capacity building, wellness and safety, community economic development, social inclusion, housing coordination and children and youth initiatives. The program leverages investments in community development by local governments, non-profit organizations, and others.

Who can apply?

Eligible applicants include:

  • Non-profit organizations
  • Municipal governments (other than the City of Winnipeg)
  • Northern Affairs Community Councils

When is the application deadline?

The program's May 31, 2024 application intake is now closed and no longer accepting applications.

What do we fund?

1. Community Renewal Initiatives Stream

Supports community development projects including:

  • Community and organizational capacity building and planning;
  • Community economic development initiatives;
  • Well-being and recreation activities to promote neighbourhood safety and cohesion;
  • Anti-racism, bridge building and inclusion initiatives; and
  • Housing and safety coordination supports.

2. Community Spaces Stream

Supports capital projects that extend, improve or enhance interior and exterior public use community facilities and spaces.

3. Healthy, Safe, Connected Children and Youth Stream

Supports targeted children and youth projects including outreach, wellness, recreation, youth internships, training and leadership development.

How much may we fund?

Community Renewal Initiatives Stream

  • Non-profit organizations and Northern Affairs Community Councils: up to 80 per cent of eligible program costs to a maximum of $100,000
  • Municipal governments: up to 50 per cent of eligible project cost to a maximum of $100,000

Community Spaces Stream

  • Non-profit organizations and Northern Affairs Community Councils: up to 80 per cent of eligible program costs to a maximum of $100,000
  • Municipal governments: up to 50 per cent of eligible project cost to a maximum of $100,000

Healthy, Safe, Connected Children and Youth Stream

  • Non-profit organizations and Northern Affairs Community Councils: up to 80 per cent of eligible program costs to a maximum of $50,000
  • Municipal governments: up to 50 per cent of eligible project cost to a maximum of $50,000


Program Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions


Department Name: Municipal and Northern Relations
Division/Branch Name: Community Development Branch
Email: FGP@gov.mb.ca
Additional contact information can be found in the Program Guidelines.

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Heritage Grants Program

The Heritage Grants Program helps Manitobans identify, protect and interpret Manitoba’s human and natural heritage.

Who can apply?

Any incorporated non-profit or charitable community organization, local government, university or First Nation may apply. Individuals or unincorporated groups may also apply under the endorsement of an eligible organization. Organizations must have been in existence for at least one year before applying or before endorsing another applicant.

When are the application deadlines?

Deadlines for applications are January 31 and June 1 of each year.

What do we fund?

Eligible projects include Collections Management, Conservation, Exhibitions, and programs (of a non-recurring nature) that seek to identify, protect or interpret Manitoba's human and natural heritage. Eligible projects also include Interpretive Signs, Research and Special Initiatives (innovative heritage projects not included above).


How much may we fund?

We fund up to 50 per cent of eligible expenses.


Consult the full program guidelines.

Apply button


Manitoba Sport, Culture and Heritage
Historic Resources Branch
In Winnipeg: (204) 945-2118
Toll free in MB: 1-800-282-8069 ext. 2118
Fax: (204) 948-2384
Email: hrb@gov.mb.ca
Website: www.gov.mb.ca/chc/grants/heritage/hgp.html

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Sport Event Hosting Program

The Sport Event Hosting Program (SEH) supports eligible sport organizations with costs associated with hosting amateur championships and tournaments in Manitoba in order to develop and strengthen the sport sector in Manitoba, support the performance of Manitoba athletes, build Manitoba's profile in the national and international sport community and increase opportunities for Manitoba sport organizations to host events.

Who can apply?

Not-for-profit organizations with a sport mandate that provide amateur sport activities in Manitoba, temporary organizations, committees, or sub-committees formed for the express purpose of organizing a one-time amateur sporting event or tournament, colleges and universities affiliated with the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association or USports. Please see Program Guidelines for all eligibility requirements.

When are the application deadlines?

For the 2024-2025 year, deadlines are as follows:

March 22, 2024, for events taking place between April 1, 2024, to September 30, 2024

July 1, 2024, for events taking place between October 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025


Consult the full program guidelines.


Email your organization's completed application form and event budget template (available on our website) to the Sport & Tourism Policy Branch.


Sport, Culture, Heritage and Tourism
Sport & Tourism Policy Branch
Email: sporttourismpolicy@gov.mb.ca
Website: www.gov.mb.ca/chc/grants/sport/index.html

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Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership

Department: Agriculture

Grant Name Subject Link
Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program: Watershed Resilience Environment https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/climatechange/watershed.html
Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program: Carbon Sequestration and Grassland Resilience Environment https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/climatechange/carbon-sequestration.html
Sustainable Agriculture Manitoba Environment https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/climatechange/sustainable-agr.html
Sustainable Agri-Processing Environment https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/climatechange/sustainable-agri-pro.html
Market Development Community & Economic Development https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/marketdevelopment/index.html
Capital Infrastructure and Investments Community & Economic Development https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/buildingsector/capital.html
Research and Innovation Education and Training https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/scienceresearch/research.html
Food Safety and Traceability Community & Economic Development https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/resiliency/food-safety.html
Industry Development Initiatives Education and Training https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/resiliency/industry-development-initiatives.html
Livestock Predation Prevention Program Community & Economic Development https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/resiliency/livestock.html
Relationship Development and Engagement Indigenous, Rural and North, Women and Youth https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/indigenousagri/relationship-development.html
Indigenous Agriculture and Food Systems Indigenous, Rural and North https://www.manitoba.ca/scap/indigenousagri/indigenous-food-systems.html

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Urban/Hometown Green Team Program

Green Team grants create summer employment opportunities for youth aged 15 to 29 years. Approved Applicants provide a variety of community development projects that improve neighbourhoods, promote community involvement, and help develop young leaders. The employment period is between May 1 and September 30.

PPriorities for the 2024 summer season are focused on: municipal governments and community-based organizations that can offer full-time employment opportunities for youth, projects that build leadership and employment skills for youth and projects that can demonstrate community need and partnerships.

Who can apply?

Eligible Applicants throughout Manitoba include:

  • Municipal governments (other than the City of Winnipeg);
  • Northern Affairs Community Councils;
  • Non-profit organizations; and
  • Education authorities.

When is the application deadline?

The program's 2024 intake is now closed and is no longer accepting applications.

What do we fund?

All projects that offer youth employment opportunities will be considered for grant funding, except:

  • Projects to be carried out on First Nation Reserve lands.
  • Projects proposing any type of advocacy or solicitation of funds.
  • Projects that include lifeguarding, swimming instruction or pool maintenance duties.

How much may we fund?

  • Municipal governments: up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs to a maximum of $75,000 (cost-shared amount).
  • Northern Affairs Community Councils, non-profit organizations and education authorities: up to 100 per cent of eligible project costs to a maximum of $150,000.


Program Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions

Conflict of Interest Policy Guidelines


Youth aged 15-29 years who are interested in Green Team jobs are asked to apply directly with organizations that have received funding through the program. A full list of current employers should be posted by the end of May 2024 under the Urban/Hometown Green Team program at https://www.gov.mb.ca/mr/bldgcomm/index.html. Youth can also look for other employment opportunities at https://www.gov.mb.ca/jec/syeo/index.html.


Employee Profile Form — Deadline: submit form within 1 week of hiring

Claim for Reimbursement Form — Deadline: November 1, 2024


Department Name: Municipal and Northern Relations
Division/Branch name: Community Development Branch

Email: greenteam@gov.mb.ca

Additional contact information can be found in the Program Guidelines.

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Wildlife Enhancement Initiatives

The Wildlife Enhancement Initiatives grant helps applicants complete projects, programs and studies that enhance sustainable use and management of legally harvestable wildlife populations within Manitoba.

Who can apply?

  • Local, provincial, or national not-for-profit groups with established Manitoba operations
  • Academic institutions including universities, colleges, and schools
  • Community groups

When is the application deadline?

Intake deadline for letters of interest is September 1.

What do we fund?

Eligible projects include activities that:

  • conserve, restore or enhance wildlife populations
  • conserve, restore or enhance important wildlife habitats
  • monitor or study wildlife populations or habitats
  • provide recruitment and education programs for hunters and trappers
  • improve access for licensed hunters and trappers
  • secure land to conserve habitats that are deemed to be critically important to wildlife populations


Consult the full program guidelines.


Manitoba Habitat Conservancy administers the Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund grant application program on behalf of the Manitoba government.

Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund
Manitoba Habitat Conservancy
Email: granting@mbhabitat.ca
Website: https://mbhabitat.ca/fwef/fwef-resources/

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